Dynamic.ooo | Dynamic Content for Elementor

v2.10.8 – 2023/08/03
* Fix: ACF Flexible Content, PHP error with Elementor 3.15
* Fix: Cryptocurrency Dynamic Tag was not visible in the features list
* Fix: Taxonomy Terms List was missing alt attributes for some images
* Minor fixesv2.10.7 – 2023/07/27 – 5th Birthday!
* Fix: fixed a fatal error retrieving post meta fields on some widgets
* Fix: Dynamic Tag wasn’t working as address on Dynamic Google Maps Directions
* Fix: Modals widget button icon wasn’t vertically aligned properly
* Minor fixesv2.10.6 – 2023/07/19
* Tweak: Added “Return Format” on Dynamic Tag – Favorites and Dynamic Tag – Woo Wishlist
* Fix: Post Type not retrieved correctly in some features such as Dynamic Posts, after last update 2.10.5
* Fix: ACF Relationship now also works correctly when the return format is ‘Post Object’
* Fix: Modals, button icon, the color spacing and position settings had no effect
* Minor Fixesv2.10.5 – 2023/07/19
* Tweak: HTML templates: add the dynamicooo/html-pdf/html-template filter, useful for PDF translations
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, fix conflict with Skin Grid, Infinte Scroll and Match Height
* Fix: Modals, cookie was not set when the trigger was configured with mouse scroll
* Fix: Modals, Catch Other setting was not working with image Buttons
* Fix: Modals, Button configured with an icon was not displayed correctly
* Fix: Dynamic Cookie did not work when value was configured with a Dynamic Tag
* Fix: PHP Error in our Settings page of the WordPress dashboard in some situations
* Minor Fixes

v2.10.4 – 2023/06/20
* Fix: Modals widget, visual glitch when hovering the X closing button
* Fix: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form, [all-fields|!empty] was not working
* Minor Fixes

v2.10.3 – 2023/06/03
* Tweak: Improve security by removing obsolete code

v2.10.2 – 2023/05/30
* Fix: Provides redundancy for the PHP fix in 2.10.1 to cover some edge cases

v2.10.1 – 2023/05/30
* Fix: PHP error for some of those involved in the token whitelist transition of the previous release
* Fix: JS error on the SVG Morphing widget

v2.10.0 – 2023/05/29
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.5.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.5.0
* New: Dynamic OpenStreetMap widget
* Tweak: We’ve enabled the tokens filters whitelist for everybody, it’s automatically generated for those who hadn’t already switched it on. If so you should check whether there is something to add or remove from it
* Fix: Copy to Clipboard widget was incompatible with ACF Repeater widget
* Fix: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form, Nonce Error in the frontend reported in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility, Visibility tab icon missing since Elementor 3.13
* Fix: Match Height for Dynamic Posts widgets didn’t work in very specific cases since version 2.9.3
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, date filter for post time did not respect time zone in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Skin Carousel. When the slide effect is “Fade”, “Cross Fade” is now enabled by default in order to avoid seeing content behind or underneath
* Fix: Inertia Scroll Horizontal was not only applied to top-sections, and when inner sections were present they caused the wrapper to stretch disproportionately. It is now only applied to ‘elementor-top-section’ divs or the custom class defined in the settings
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Missing “Items” settings on the Timeline Skin
* Fix: Custom background on a loop didn’t work correctly for containers
* Minor Fixes

v2.9.4 – 2023/05/11
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps, fixed a problem with Elementor templates when used in a custom InfoWindow
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Dual Carousel, JS Error in the browser console
* Fix: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form, Alpha3 error related to currency input with spaces
* Minor Fixes

v2.9.3 – 2023/04/28
* Tweak: Match Height is now compatible with Elementor’s Containers. We initially release this as beta, please try it let us know if you encounter any problem
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, date filters, add a setting to specify if the condition date timezone is UTC or the WordPress settings time zone
* Tweak: The ACF Token is now compatible with Elementor’s Loop Grid
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility regression bug in version 2.9.2 involving some triggers
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, with more than one Carousel on the same page, their scrollbars were in conflict in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Carousel set in Free Move mode had visual glitches appearing at times
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: added setting ‘Results per Page’ for the Query Type ‘ID List’
* Fix: Conditional Fields, avoid error message flash of content
* Fix: Avoid “Field_Base missing” error appearing in the PHP error logs
* Fix: ACF Slider, some style settings had no effect
* Fix: ACF Repeater widget, JS error in browser console in some cases
* Fix: Items Style didn’t work correctly on Accordion Skin after v2.9.1
* Fix: Toolset Relationship didn’t retrieve correctly relationship fields
* Minor Fixes

v2.9.2 – 2023/03/30
* Notice: from April 30, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require Elementor > v3.5.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.5.0
* Notice: from April 30, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require WordPress > v5.8, being the same requirement as Elementor
* Tweak: compatibility tags for Elementor 3.12.0 and Elementor Pro 3.12.0
* Fix: Conditional Fields for Elementor Pro Form, avoid flash of content
* Fix: Dynamic Tag Token with wizard, blank result with ACF sub fields in some situations
* Minor Fixes

v2.9.1 – 2023/03/27
* Notice: Enhanced Multi-Step for Elementor Pro Form has been marked as legacy and is deprecated. We will not remove it though
* Fix: new ACF Relationship widget didn’t work correctly with some skins
* Fix: Items Style didn’t work correctly on Accordion Skin
* Fix: JS error caused by Enhanced Multi-Step for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility, User Roles were missing the Visitor option. It’s now included again
* Minor Fixes

v2.9.0 – 2023/03/21
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-9-0
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.4.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.4.0
* Notice: ACF Relationship (old version) widget set as deprecated. We recommend to use the new version in the future sites, but we will not remove the old version
* Notice: Dynamic Due Date for Elementor Countdown has been set as deprecated since Elementor Pro added new dynamic tag for due date in v3.10.0. We will not remove our version
* New: Dynamic Google Maps Directions widget
* New: Dynamic Tag – Map Info. To be used together with Dynamic Google Maps Directions
* New: Dynamic Tag – Map Instructions. To be used together with Dynamic Google Maps Directions
* New: ACF Relationship widget
* New: Dynamic Tags – ACF Relationship
* New: Dynamic Tags – Meta Box Relationship
* New: Dynamic Tags – Terms
* New: Dynamic Tags – Tags
* New: Dynamic Tags – Woo Product Categories
* Tweak: added Query ID on Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, ACF Relationship, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets. You should use the hook ‘dynamicooo/query/{query_id}’. More info here https://dnmc.ooo/dcequeryid
* Tweak: added compatibility with WP-CLI. Here the list commands https://dnmc.ooo/dcewpcli
* Fix: ACF Fields widget would not show in some situations
* Fix: Save for Elementor Pro Form, could not save user fields when overriding if user registration was disabled
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility, User Roles trigger could not be changes in some situations
* Fix: Off Canvas Menu, add setting to allow filling the color of the menu icon in all cases
* Fix: another minor conflict between Off Canvas Menu and Modals related to the escape key
* Fix: Views Widgets with skin Carousel not working in some situations
* Fix: Dynamic Tag – Token, wizard, blank result when field incorrectly shown by its numeric ID
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.12 – 2023/03/08
* Notice: In our next release the Elementor’s minimum version will be 3.4.0
* Tweak: Fallback content set visible by default in Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets
* Tweak: Favorites widget, it’s now possible to reverse the order of the posts when “Preserve Post Order Given” is selected
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, Add dynamicooo/google-maps/post-link filter for the markers post links
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, add a new JS event for compatibility with the Borlabs plugin
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro From, added dce-submit-disabled CSS class to the submit button during payment processing
* Tweak: Modals widget, add setting “Set Cookie”. It’s useful for those who set the cookie manually. When switched off it will only check the cookie but not set it
* Tweak: Modals widget, add a setting for specifying the cookie’s name, as it is more reliable than deriving it from the widget ID
* Fix: Views, even if selected, Ajax was disabled for all skins except Slideshow
* Fix: Counter Field for Elementor Pro Form triggered an error when hidden by a field condition
* Fix: Conflict between Modals and Off Canvas Menu widgets
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.11 – 2023/02/18
* Fix: all our carousels didn’t work correctly in some cases after the latest update
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.10 – 2023/02/16
* Notice: “Copy&Paste Cross Sites” extension has been set as deprecated since Elementor released its own “Copy and Paste Between Websites” functionality
* Tweak: compatibility tag for Elementor 3.11.1
* Tweak: all our carousels supports the new Elementor Beta experiment “Upgrade Swiper Library”
* Fix: ACF Repeater, Accordion Skin: the Title Color and Active Title Color didn’t work when used a Site Settings for the same HTML Tag
* Fix: ACF Fields widget, formatting date fields in non english locales could result in broken characters
* Fix: Modals is now compatible with Infinite Scroll
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Safe HTML tags were wrongly escaped from titles
* Fix: Message Generator for Elementor PRO Form: Submission Page wrongly reporting an error while running the action
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.9 – 2023/01/31
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.3.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.3.0
* Notice: “My Posts” widget is now called “Posts by the Current User” and “Dynamic Tag – My Posts” is now called “Dynamic Tag – Posts by the Current User”
* Tweak: added “Get Query Args for Debug” to the context menu to help our support more quickly resolve any problems with Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts, added “Remove Sticky Posts” for Queries “From Specific Posts” and “ID List”
* Fix: a closing

was missing in the Skin Carousel which caused several problems
* Fix: In the Skin Carousel, fixed a problem for the setting “Slides Per Group” when the values for different breakpoints were not all set to the same value
* Fix: the Wizard for ACF Fields didn’t work properly on Dynamic Tag – Token
* Fix: PDF Button: Browser converter did not include DOM elements generated by scripts after page loading
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.8 – 2023/01/24
* Tweak: closing of Modals can now be triggered from custom user scripts
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, the query “Specific Posts” did not sort the posts correctly in DESC order. Now the ASC/DESC sorting has been removed and it is possible to reverse the order of posts via a new setting
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.7 – 2023/01/19
* Fix: Animated Off Canvas Menu, fixed an issue that caused the menu to open when the side background was not present

v2.8.6 – 2023/01/18
* Notice: from February 28, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require Elementor > v3.4.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.4.0
* Tweak: Animated Off Canvas Menu, now you can close the menu by clicking outside when not using the side background
* Fix: Skin Carousel, fixed an issue with navigation arrows
* Fix: ACF Slider, the caption was not displayed in the lightbox if there were quotation marks in it
* Fix: the first element on Skin Grid with Filters wasn’t showing its posts at startup
* Fix: Dynamic Posts in the Grid with Filters skin was displaying an excessively long list of filters after the last update
* Fix: iFrame widget, fixed an issue that caused the page to break
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, when a user switched from a skin with templates to one that did not support templates, the posts and the “Items” section were no longer visible
* Minor fixes

v2.8.5 – 2023/01/16
* Tweak: RTL support for Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Fix: Meta Box Google Maps didn’t retrieve fields when set inside a group
* Minor Fixes

v2.8.4 – 2023/01/11
* Tweak: Ensure compatibility with Elementor 3.10.0
* Tweak: Favorites, added Query Filter
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, added “order by name” to order by options
* Tweak: Views, added filter dynamicooo/views/row-html to customize the row output in some of the skins
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, the offset didn’t work on Sticky Post Query
* Fix: Use Animation in rollover for the arrows on Dynamic Posts – Skin Carousel didn’t work
* Fix: Counter Field, hidden setting did not also hide the label if present
* Fix: Conflict with Elementor’s Select Field causing a double dropdown arrow to be present in some case
* Minor Fixes