
WPForms Pro | Best Drag & Drop WordPress Form

WPForms là trình tạo biểu mẫu WordPress phổ biến và mạnh mẽ nhất. WPForms giúp dễ dàng xây dựng Biểu mẫu liên hệ, Biểu mẫu thanh toán, Khảo sát, Bản tin, Đăng ký, v.v.

Kéo và thả đơn giản

Dễ dàng tạo một biểu mẫu tuyệt vời chỉ trong vài phút mà không cần viết bất kỳ mã nào.

Thông báo và cảnh báo tức thì

Trả lời khách hàng tiềm năng một cách nhanh chóng bằng các thông báo biểu mẫu tức thì của chúng tôi dành cho nhóm của bạn.

Hơn 800 Mẫu biểu mẫu dựng sẵn

Dễ dàng bắt đầu với các mẫu biểu mẫu dựng sẵn của chúng tôi để tiết kiệm nhiều thời gian hơn trong việc tạo biểu mẫu của bạn

Nhiều tính năng mạnh mẽ

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WPForms Pro | Best Drag & Drop WordPress Form - Giải pháp công nghệ EVPS.VN - Web hosting, Cloud VPS, Business Email, Thiết kế website chuẩn SEO

Từ khoá: (2023-08-11)

  • Fixed There were situations when Stripe Credit Card field wasn’t working properly in Elementor.

1.8.3 (2023-08-08)

  • Added: New {site_name} smart tag.
  • Added: Spam entries are now stored in the database and can be reviewed on the Entries page.
  • Added: Fields in the Form Builder can now be searched by name or related keywords.
  • Added: New settings that allow users to toggle different fields on the single entry view page.
  • Changed: Adjusted error message for Stripe subscription payment failure.
  • Changed: Elementor integration updated and improved.
  • Changed: Improved cache busting of entry counts on the Dashboard widget.
  • Changed: The Dashboard widget now displays counts with entries that are submitted today.
  • Changed: Anti-spam processing significantly improved.
  • Changed: Various notifications for users without required permissions have been improved.
  • Changed: Updated DOMPurify library to 3.0.5.
  • Changed: Improved handling of “entries disabled” state on the Entries Overview page and in the Dashboard widget.
  • Changed: Sidebar in the Form Builder now can be collapsed or expanded with a Ctrl + T keyboard shortcut.
  • Changed: Updated Icon Choices Font Awesome library to 6.4.0.
  • Changed: Improved empty states for blocks/widgets on Gutenberg and Elementor editor.
  • Fixed: Submit button font family was not inherited from theme styles.
  • Fixed: Offer to install or activate Custom Captcha addon when adding it to the form via the Form Settings > Spam Protection and Security screen.
  • Fixed: Incorrect field settings panel opening when adding Custom Captcha field from the Spam Protection and Security screen.
  • Fixed: No spacing between the field label and the field on Settings pages.
  • Fixed: Handling of string to array conversion type error in rare cases when the option in the database contained malformed value.
  • Fixed: Improved the preview for the Dropdown choices with HTML tags in the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: Improved handling of redirects on the Entries pages with some configurations.
  • Fixed: Stripe Payment fields previously ignoring “Include Form Styling” setting.
  • Fixed: Content fields with conditional logic enabled not showing in the notification email.
  • Fixed: Handling JavaScript errors and PHP Notices when using missing fields in Conditional Logic.
  • Fixed: Mis-alignment of Country subfield in the Address field.
  • Fixed: Improved responsive styles for multiple choice controls on the Settings pages.
  • Fixed: Removed redundant space between Stripe credit card sub-fields when sub-labels are hidden.
  • Fixed: Handling console error on post/page edit screen when not connected to Stripe.
  • Fixed: Handling a PHP Notice that was generated when the legacy API is used for Stripe payments.
  • Fixed: Revised link to Comprehensive Guide in the Elementor WPForms widget.
  • Fixed: Removed a console error when a Rich Text field was used with Form Locker.
  • Fixed: Conditional Logic “IS NOT” rule not working correctly if the value was equal to 0 (zero).
  • Fixed: Modern style Upload fields were not highlighted when an error occurred.
  • Fixed: Akismet anti-spam check could be skipped in certain cases.
  • Fixed: Stripe Payment field displaying a warning sign with an empty error message when card validation failed.
  • Fixed: Resend notifications link was not disabled when “completed payments” notifications were enabled.
  • Fixed: Hierarchical Dynamic Choices list that resulted in a PHP timeout error when the list was more than 3 levels deep.
  • Fixed: CAPTCHA badge preventing the Divi Visual Builder preview from loading.
  • Fixed: Inconsistent email validation between front-end and server.
  • Fixed: Form Location title or slug occasionally not updating after updating a post.
  • Fixed: Buttons in the confirmation modal that were not aligned correctly if they didn’t fit in one line.
  • Fixed: Legacy Credit Card’s Security Number field not being aligned with other fields.
  • Fixed: Handling of different Classic/Modern file upload and Submit button combinations.
  • Fixed: Images in the Rich Text Editor could fail to display because of special characters. (2023-07-18)

  • Changed: Admin notice content and design is improved.
  • Changed: The library used for the modern phone field is updated to 18.1.4.
  • Changed: We optimized the Help screen performance within the Form Builder.
  • Fixed: The query string rewrite module from the 7G Firewall plugin was conflicting with the WPForms block in the Block Editor.
  • Fixed: When the Stripe Links details were not filled, it was still possible to go to the Next page inside the multipage form.
  • Fixed: Payment fields were not inheriting a newly updated currency from the WPForms Settings > Payments page.
  • Fixed: When the multipage form was submitted, users saw duplicated errors (if relevant) on a page.
  • Fixed: The multipage form did not return to the first page when a general AJAX error occurred.
  • Fixed: When duplicating a field in the Form Builder, the options panel for the newly duplicated field was not consistently active.
  • Fixed: WPForms admin area was using a site language instead of the currently logged-in user language if languages were different.
  • Fixed: The select-entry checkbox and entry actions were hidden if entries didn’t have editable fields.
  • Fixed: When an email field contained long words without spaces, words were not properly wrapped.
  • Fixed: On the Settings > Integrations page, when a section heading was clicked more than once in quick succession, the layout for adding an account could have been broken.
  • Fixed: Accessibility: in Safari it was not possible to change the value of the Rating field with just the keyboard arrow keys.
  • Fixed: Form settings were not reflecting new template settings when switching those templates.
  • Fixed: Form Pages and Conversational Form permalinks were not updated to reflect template settings.
  • Fixed: WPForms Challenge pointers were overlapping text labels in some languages.
  • Fixed: The “Delete All” link on the Entries List did not work as expected when the entries were filtered by date or using entries’ search.
  • Fixed: Code challenge did not show the correct step number on existing forms.
  • Fixed: In some cases, the page with a form on the front end was not scrolled to the error field.
  • Fixed: The Dropdown border width was wrong when the input was smaller than the dropdown.
  • Fixed: It was possible to resize the Paragraph field larger than the containers.
  • Fixed: Empty option was replaced with the default one for a duplicated dropdown.
  • Fixed: Error occurred in the browser console when editing the date on the Single Entries Page.
  • Fixed: Single Line Text element map size was too small in the Form Builder preview.
  • Fixed: There was a fatal error on the Analytics page if the MonsterInsights Lite plugin was active.
  • Fixed: The Dropdown field inside the Layout field on mobile devices was partially overlapped.
  • Fixed: The “Preview Conversational Form” button overlapped with the title when a browser window was resized.
  • Fixed: Password strength notices did not have rounded borders as they should.
  • Fixed: The Address field sub-labels were positioned too close to dropdowns inside the Layout field.
  • Fixed: Form Location title and slug were incorrect after updating a post with that form embedded.
  • Fixed: The “From Email” option validation message was invisible when the WP Mail SMTP plugin was active.
  • Fixed: PHP warning ‘Illegal string offset’ appeared on some sites.
  • Fixed: Placeholder text in the Dynamic choices of the Dropdown field was not displayed when the field was duplicated.
  • Fixed: The “Let’s Go!” button inside the Form Embed screen was disabled after the page title change.
  • Fixed: Bulk option labels were not inline in some languages.
  • Fixed: Some field titles were broken in Safari in the Twenty Twenty-One theme. (2023-06-28)

  • Added: WPForms is now compatible with the WPForms Coupons addon.
  • Added: Developers can now use a new hook that is fired when the form is duplicated.
  • Fixed: Stripe Integration: JavaScript error occurred when the user was asked to enter verification information for a payment form locked with the Form Locker addon.
  • Fixed: A PHP deprecation notice was generated when enabling or disabling auto-updates of any plugin.
  • Fixed: Form challenge items were not aligned correctly in various languages.
  • Fixed: In Modern File Upload fields, long file names caused the upload progress bar to overlap with the file name.
  • Fixed: Legacy Layout Classes didn’t work when using the Modern Form Styles.
  • Fixed: Custom Math Captcha was still large when the Lead Forms addon was disabled.
  • Fixed: Long links on the Entry details page did not wrap and caused overflow issues.
  • Fixed: Checkboxes and Multiple Choice fields with icons were cut on mobile devices.
  • Fixed: Words in the Form Export dropdown on the Tools > Export admin page were split by letters.
  • Fixed: Links were stripped in choices labels.
  • Fixed: Block Editor kept showing the unsaved changes dialog even though there weren’t any changes.
  • Fixed: wpforms_sanitize_amount() function did not work properly with exponent numbers.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with the Popup Maker plugin was improved – Stripe Credit Card field didn’t load when a payment form was inserted into a popup.
  • Fixed: There was no empty state when no forms created for the WPForms widget in the Elementor screen. (2023-06-07)

  • Changed: On the Form Entries page the “Status” column is renamed to “Type” to better reflect the actual value displayed there.
  • Fixed: On the Form Entries page the “N/A” entry status was displayed instead of the expected value “Completed”.
  • Fixed: On the Payments page for Stripe payments “N/A” was displayed as a payment title instead of the mapped email.
  • Fixed: There were situations when PHP notices were generated on the Stripe Single Payment page.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with the “AIOSEO – Local Business” plugin was improved.